The Importance of Sharing

26 Jun

The Importance of Sharing

Believing in a God who rescues

A few weeks back, I was given the opportunity to preach at all four of our church’s weekend services.  We were between sermon series at the time, so I had the chance to choose what my message would focus on and what text our congregation would reflect on.  If you have 30 minutes, you might want to check out that sermon by downloading it here: In the Image of Dad.

When given the chance to share my heart, I felt the need to share my belief and hope that God rescues us when we cry out to Him and, that in the midst of our cries, He rescues those around us as well.

In Need of Rescue

I’ve tried to be transparent about the miscarriage that my wife and I experienced last year and have written about what it’s like to go through that loss as a parent, as a father and as someone in professional ministry (A collection of those posts can be found HERE).  I think my hope, in sharing that story in written form and through spoken word, was that God would redeem that story and bring hope where there was only pain.  Reflecting on things, I think I also shared that story with the assumption that it would be the last thing that God would have to rescue me from.

I write this post today with hands that are shaking.  Yesterday, I stepped out of a meeting to answer a phone call from my wife (we have a policy that, if she calls, I answer – no exceptions) and couldn’t get her to put three words together without bursting into tears.  I left the office and ran home to check on her and the kids – I’m not sure what I thought was wrong at home, but I was pretty sure I could fix it.

I’m good at fixing things.

The things you can’t fix

The longer I’m married, the more I realize that I can’t fix everything.  There are days when you wake up in need of rescue and find yourself in the same place when the sun sets that same day.  In life, there are days of “in between” when you feel helpless and vulnerable.  Sometimes you feel like you’re in the belly of a great fish, sometimes you feel like a giant stone has been rolled between you and your Creator, and sometimes you simply lay in bed at night unable to sleep because (as much as you know you’re not supposed to) you worry about something that you have no control over.

Yesterday, my wife and I were told that blood work that was done last week has come back with markers that show that our baby, now in the second trimester, might not be as healthy as we had hoped.  Because we believe in the power of prayer and in a deep call to living in community, we sent this message out last night to our closest circle of friends:

We just got a call that the second trimester genetic screening blood test indicated that we are considered high-risk and should be offered both genetic counseling and an appointment with a high-risk OB. The test is not diagnostic for any certain problem, but we have been offered further testing to determine if a genetic disorder or other problem exists. The baby can still be absolutely fine. We are choosing to discuss the results with a counselor and have a full ultrasound done this week, our appointments are on Wednesday afternoon.
We believe in doing life in community so we will be making this public knowledge and asking for prayer… Please [pray] for the health of Baby Nutmeg and that we won’t be overwhelmed with worry between now and Wednesday. Thanks so much!

The Importance of Sharing

Sharing has never been easy for me.  I was the kid who stole toys from kindergarten because I didn’t want other kids to play with them.  I’m the kid who went to a counselor in High School and spent an entire session refusing to speak.  I’m the one who sits with the TV remote next to me so that I can control the fast-forward button during commercial breaks.  Sharing means giving up control – and I like control.

Friends, though it’s not my knee jerk reaction to share, I believe with all of my heart that God’s people are called to share their story with others.  When we call out for help, I believe that God comes to our rescue and that, in the midst of rescuing us, that others come to know Him.

In this season of worry, pain, grief, anxiety, nervousness and heartache, my wife and I take comfort in knowing that God writes a better story than we could ever dream of.  Please, during the next few days/weeks/months join us in praying for the health of our baby (“Baby Nutmeg”).  And, while you’re at it, pray that God might use our story in a way that leads others to the Hope we have in a God who rescues.

Today is a hard day.

This is why we don’t do life alone.


Posted by on June 26, 2012 in Thoughts


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15 responses to “The Importance of Sharing

  1. Ron Brooks

    June 26, 2012 at 8:12 am

    Praying for you and your family


  2. Jared M

    June 26, 2012 at 8:21 am

    I will be praying for you all


  3. Barbara Graves (@Barbaragraves)

    June 26, 2012 at 8:31 am

    Praying, Anthony!


  4. Kimberly Allen

    June 26, 2012 at 8:42 am

    Thank you for your transparency and willingness to share. I need that reminder often…that we don’t do life alone. I will be praying for you and your wife.


  5. Wendi

    June 26, 2012 at 10:02 am

    Anthony, I will be praying for you and your family. I just want to say how much I appreciate that you show how human you are in sharing this. Life is hard, unfair, and far from perfect, but we are not meant to travel the road of life alone. You are a great example of how Christ calls us to live life in community and what it means to lean on the body of Christ. You have an powerful army at your disposal, the army of God, and you my friend have just called them to battle. Well done!


  6. Kate A.

    June 26, 2012 at 3:43 pm

    Anthony, I will be praying for you and Christine. We’ve never met, but Christine’s mom is my first cousin. We had the same experience with my now perfectly 12 year old, Carter. We went through genetic counseling and all. My OB/GYN said that these blood tests are known for false-positives so much that she stopped recommending them to her patients. I will be praying that baby is perfectly healthy! By the way, I work in Kids and Family ministry at a church in Minnesota. I hope we can meet some day and swap stories!


  7. gloriaslee

    June 26, 2012 at 4:43 pm

    praying for all of you!!!! thank you for sharing even if it’s hard… and encouraging me in the process! 🙂


  8. Kristin

    June 26, 2012 at 4:50 pm

    My Friend, I am praying so hard. Sending you love and Grace. Breathe.


  9. Rebecca Lowrey Kohrt

    June 26, 2012 at 9:07 pm

    Anthony, this is a powerful story that I know has already touched many people. God is using you in ways we can only dream of and that is already a huge comfort. Everything is going to be ok because there is so much love around you and Christine and we are so happy she has you.- Becky Kohrt (aka Mom-in-law)


  10. Angelic Cloud

    June 26, 2012 at 10:39 pm

    We haven’t met but I am friends with your sister in law Ashley. I read your story and first want to thank you for sharing about your loss and what God has walked you through as I have suffered losing my baby Hannah Grace and have totally need the Lord to heal me. I am praying for you and your wife and Baby as you go through these test and meet with the genetic counselor. I pray for peace and for God’s grace as you walk this journey. God is faithful and I just wanted you to know that I will continue to lift up your family in prayer.


  11. Tennie Lowe

    June 27, 2012 at 8:43 am

    Praise our Lord! People impact people and We do need each other. Anybody who says they only need God is calling God a liar. We share so much in common. I was very much in control 20+ years ago. Since my son was born 19 years ago I have learned to lean on God and trust Him. My son is very healthy, mildly mentally delayed due to birth trauma which had nothing to do with the positive AFP. You’re on the right track and in my prayers! By the way I go to church here at CEFC and am in your folks fellowship gp 🙂 Keep your chin up!


  12. Collie Coburn

    June 27, 2012 at 8:50 am

    Thank you for sharing Anthony! We too will be praying for you, Christine and baby Nutmeg.


  13. Debby Albrecht

    June 27, 2012 at 2:41 pm

    Praying for you and your family!


  14. Burlew Family

    July 11, 2012 at 11:39 am

    Mr. Anthony – I am sorry to read this post. In the midst of your trial you continue to inspire, encourage, lead by example and humble yourself as Christ calls us to. And this week you are so much to all of us! Thank you for training my son in the way he should go, by being YOU. My family will pray for you always!
    the Burlew family


  15. Catherine Walker

    August 6, 2012 at 3:09 pm

    Anthony – You and your family have been on my heart this week. Any further word on Baby Nutmeg’s status? I have a dear Christian friend from Orange County who can be an encouraging resource for you.



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