Tag Archives: Alone

Never. Drive. Alone.

Many of us have learned the hard way that the words never and always are two of the most dangerous words in the English language.
With that said, you should never drive alone.

Keith Ferrazzi would have you believe that you should never eat alone.  Every meal, the argument goes, is an opportunity to build a relationship and strengthen your network.
Sam Luce, a fellow blogger and CM friend, will be applying this principal at Orange ’09.

I’ll be trying something else… and I welcome you to try it out with me.

The Freakonomics Blog over at the NY Times did an interesting series of posts on Los Angeles traffic facts and fiction.  You should check out what is being said about one of the major urban areas here on the Left Coast. 

Reading these posts made me think about the way that many of us travel.  If we were able to spend as much time networking and building relationships with others as we do sitting in gridlocked freeway traffic or in transit from one local to another, think about the potential strength of our networks!

So, I’m going to give this idea my full effort when I’m in Atlanta for the Orange conference.  My goal is to spend more time in cars with others than I spend in cars by myself.  Sounds simple, right?  Well, if sharing meals can be an important brick in the wall of success, then maybe carpooling isn’t just for those who want to be green… maybe there are hints of orange there as well.


Posted by on April 22, 2009 in Kidmin


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